Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Few steps towards "INDIA, a DEVELOPED NATION"

Analytics on Indian Economy

As blogged few days back about indian economy speculated to become a developed nation by 01.01.2014, through FII's , FDI's , money being raised through large indian corporate houses fulfilling the corporate social responsibility (CSR), by venturing into different need based industries like health, education, telecom, departmental retail stores, financial services company or other companies in other industries looking  for banking license, would actually effect and affect the indian economy on a B+ve platform which actually create "a Bharat Nirman"
As a good time citizenship suggestion is that why don't we as an economy bring in conditional FII's or FDI's , wherein the investor will have all the benefits it enjoys under present paradigm, but cannot suck or liquidate or withdraw the investment before a fixed tenure say 91 days/ 181 days. 271 days or 366 days. This should not be treated as FD's or short term debt funds, neither should the benefits of FD or short term benefit should apply, rather should be treated as FII's or FDI's with few more added financial advantages to them.

For economy: This would bring immense stability to the stock market and already booming share prices will go up more steadily, more investors will find to invest in india because the returns will be  more lucrative and steady. this is a small step towards INDIA - a DEVELOPED NATION.
For FII's or FDI's : the investment would be held stuck for a fixed tenure, liquidity would be zero for the fixed tenure, but the advantages arre that the benefits and returns would be of or similar to what is being given to present FII's or FDI's.

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