Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Mantra for the DEVELOPMENT of our Country "BHARAT"

Authored by: Ajit Panicker
Following could be the steps towards making our BHARAT become a Developed Country:
1. Right people at the Right Places at the Right Time.
2. The apex court, THE SUPREME COURT to be INDEPENDENT of any influence.
3. The POLICE, ARMED FORCES to abide by the discipline and the rules of the forces.
4. Education, to be practical and not pattern learning starting from the PLAYSCHOOL.
5. Kids to be continuously refreshed with INDIAN VALUE SYSTEM.
6. Each citizen of the country, to be actually responsible and not just forget what they have read in their civics books in school.
7. Greenery and the natural environment of the country and in large , the complete world not to be disturbed. Even for the development to happen it should be sustainable.
8.To understand the simple fact " Truth prevails over everything and is supreme"
9.Love towards the Humanity takes the people, the country and the world towards success and happiness for all.
10.Happiness comes with fulfillment  of food, shelter, clothing, entertainment and passion, and each of them except LOVE requires money. So best Financial wizards to be included in all important decision making at each level.

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