Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Financial Planners are your Financial doctors, specialists in the Financial Field

Authored By: Ajit Panicker In past decade and strongly in past few years the banking and the financial markets, the regulations and the investors have all become very active and alert. If i talk about insurance, for about 60 years Life insurance co. Ltd(LIC) was synonymous with insurance until early 2000's when private insurers arrived in india. Mutual funds became a popular in past 15-20 years, and people have now realized its importance for which the moderate risk takers and all those who want to diversify their investments look towards mutual funds as a good investment option. Stocks have always been an option in this country, but many have burned their fingers and even their homes due to less information about the option or due to wrong guidance. Real estate as an investment option has become public in past decade very strongly. But since time immemorial people have kept land as a great investment option, because this particular option in long term gives good return, inspite of it having a number of timely advantages and disadvantages attached to it.

Gold has always been an option suggested and practiced by our grannies, irrespective of belonging to any part of the world, and has been always more in india. Bank deposits, corprate deposits, saving accounts , post office deposits, have all been investment options or savings options been used since a very long time now.

BUT, these all investment products as they are called has been bought either by your own understanding about them or suggested by agents, advisors or bankers. All the people involved in selling these products are motivated to bring fee income to self or the organizations they are working for, with very minimal concern about the investor or the client.

Here comes the FINANCIAL PLANNER as a FINANCIAL DOCTOR, a specialist in the field, to the rescue of the client. He meets the client with the sole objective to make him realize the importance of planning. Carving a chart and the course of action of how to achieve all the short term, mid term and long term goals , with proper risk adjusted, inflation adjusted and tax adjusted returns to the investments made by the clients. He helps the clients decide their objectives, analyses their current investments, the inflows and the outflows of the cash component, the assets and the liabilities, calculates the present net worth and help the client achieve the desired networth.

He treats the client(patient) with all the ill-investments, replaces them with best options with full analysis. Creates an emergency fund, plans for his retirement, plans his estate, plans his taxes, plans his consumptions and savings pattern, lead them to a disciplined financial life. With all these he finally achieves the FINANCIAL Freedom.

Consult a Financial planner, the specialist

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