Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Plan your goals well to secure happiness & money

The Dalai Lama once said: “Happiness is not something ready-made . It comes from your own actions.” When you look at the context of the same, we realise we are the sole creators of our happiness. And no one incident or person can change the course of this.

Happiness is the ultimate goal that everyone wants to achieve, it be in terms of health, wealth or social status. Bur rarely do we ask the question , what really makes us happy? For most of us, our happiness revolves around our goals and desires that we want to fulfill; it may be buying a house at 30 or planning a world tour with your spouse by 45. For us, our happiness is determined by the goals and dreams we plan to achieve.

Planning for your happiness is not as tough as it may sound. However, it is important to know what you’re planning for.

Know your dreams and how they make you happy. This is the first step towards understanding your goals. While you may have many wants and needs, it is important to segregate between the two and fulfill the ones that are more important to you and would make you happier. Once you have listed all the goals, discuss the same with your financial planner and explain to him the importance of a goal and how achieving that goal would make you happy.

Science of happiness helps:

Though you may have a tough time figuring out which of your needs are important enough to be fulfilled first, there is a simple process that we have come up with, called ‘the science of happiness test’ . Start this test by asking yourself this question: What do you want? Once you have answered the same, follow it up with a “why” . Each time you get an answer for the previous why, follow it up by another. By the end of five questions , you will realise how important that goal is and if it makes you happy. All our actions and goals are directed at helping us become happy, even if we are not aware about it consciously


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